It all began with an idea...
..... to have an "art gallery in nature" along a beautiful, forested trail on our farm for people to walk and experience. The idea took shape as Sharon Agnor and I collaborated over the year on art for the artwalk that was inspired by pollinators based upon my other passion which is beekeeping. Kathy Wilson, another friend and fellow artist, joined us along the way as our third artist. A beautiful, atmospheric Sound Bath was created by Katie Sawicki, which she played live on the first day of the Artwalk. The idea finally became a reality with over 200 people walking the Coyote Trail experiencing the magical blend of nature, sound and fine art. This video will give you an idea of what Artwalk 2022 was like. Also, here are links to both Sharon and Katie's websites if you'd like to explore their amazing artistry in more detail:,